
Connect, Communicate, Care: Trust Recovery (9/25/2024)

Sep 25, 2024 - Sep 25, 2024


Full course description

Location In-Person in TGH-USF PDI Building, Rm 124 (Auditorium)

Prerequisite None

Full Schedule 9/25/2024 from (12:30 pm - 3:30 pm) EST

Facilitator Sabrina Rice

Description As the level of anger and confrontation within our society increases, learn how to manage the conflict in a safe, effective manner which allows for a successful collaborative relationship with your customer.  This fast-paced, tactical and practical course will provide you with a combination of evidence based best practices and standardized approaches to resolution which will recover the trust which is so key to our relationships.

Learning Objectives As a result of attending this session, you should be able to:

  • Identify primary causes of conflict
  • Recognize early signs of dissatisfaction
  • Demonstrate proactive de-escalation techniques
  • Practice compassionate limit setting language
  • Recognize situations requiring escalation and interventions


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